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  1. ta240

    Ugliest component ever created

    But, if you line up all the levels correctly, it opens a time portal.
  2. ta240

    A Call For Humor!

    Silent peer pressure. It turns out people would jump, if everyone else was jumping off a bridge. And, "I want to be different, just like all these other people".
  3. ta240

    Ugliest component ever created

    Their small stuff looks clean and nice, but their bigger stuff just looks to me like industrial medical equipment or a prop from a space movie. Either it is the control for an MRI or it is the module that needs repaired so that they can get a signal to earth.
  4. ta240

    Akitika GT-108 Stereo Amplifier Kit Review

    I like the Nutube, I'd love to try the B1 with it. Tubes tend to be more forgiving of build errors compared to silicone, but will bite you hard if you slip up. I did the big mistake of using one hand on the chassis and touched a hot spot with the other. I took 400 volts from one hand to the...
  5. ta240

    Akitika GT-108 Stereo Amplifier Kit Review

    It is very addictive. I wish I lived by Dan from Akitika, I'd assemble the amps for free. Building amps is my zen activity. The Modulus-86 was my most recent build. I started with Amp Camp from the PCBs, did an M2x, F5, B1, 2 of the Akitika GT-108s, LM3886DR, Modulus-86, TDA7293MOD, LM60MK2...
  6. ta240

    A Call For Humor!

    either they have mad skills or they cheated and didn't toss that dough :)
  7. ta240

    A Call For Humor!

    Because round boxes would be more complex to assemble and likely more expensive. It is hard to toss a square pizza. Triangles are the perfect shape for one handed eating.
  8. ta240


    That would lead to more of those products being tested but the comments about issues with the products when they are tested gather different responses.
  9. ta240


    You can say that as often as you want, however when the reactions to certain products are nearly always the same from the group then the group must all agree. Favoring brands that send products as free advertising for themselves seems very silly for a, so called, science based site. Even...
  10. ta240

    Extreme Snake Oil

    Nah, not snake oil, it is just like watches, paintings or purses. The extra value is in the name, possibly the constructions and definitely in the exclusivity. A $10,000 purse doesn't hold things better than a $100 one, a $10,000 watch doesn't tell time better than a $100 one and if they...
  11. ta240


    As I mentioned, I don't remember any call for restraint during the bashing of Sony over a very unique failure in their bargain priced receiver, with zero evidence to back it up as something that would or has happened in the real world. IF this site, as a whole, wasn't biased towards a brand...
  12. ta240


    Keep in mind that when someone questions the reliability of Topping equipment the complaints are often dismissed as anecdotal. No matter how many there are. I've personally had a couple Topping components die in around a year. My JDS Labs and Pro-Ject replacements have run, trouble free for...
  13. ta240

    "Audiophile Icon Mark Levinson Reveals Industry Secrets"

    Impressive numbers on them, though: The M1 18” woofer of the M1 is a high efficiency design (98dB/1W/1m) that can take up to 4000W of power and generate over 132dB SPL. With a resonant frequency of 20Hz, it has flat frequency response to 20Hz. The crossover point is 80Hz. The M1 12” woofer of...
  14. ta240

    Snake oil sales pitch

    Hand made quality, by people that can make a fair living doing it seems like a plus. As nice furniture that will last a lifetime or two it isn't a bad price.
  15. ta240

    Snake oil sales pitch

    True, but in a different context. I guess I should have worded it "Is it still a snake oil sales pitch if their actions in the pitch didn't affect the outcome at all?"
  16. ta240

    Snake oil sales pitch

    If it has no real effect on the outcome is it still snake oil?
  17. ta240

    Schiit Vidar 2 Stereo Amplifier Review

    This outlet has a trigger input, it has worked quite well for me having smaller components with trigger output turn on amps.
  18. ta240

    Two audiophiles walk into a bar... (finish the joke)

    One says to the other "We may not know the measurements on our gear like objectivists, but we have way better senses of humor"
  19. ta240

    Connect wire shield to only one side

    Not balanced, unbalanced. The two center wires are the only ones used for the signal. The shield is connected to ground, but only on one end. I'm questioning the claims on many DIY threads that it make a difference having it only grounded on one side because the noise somehow knows to just...
  20. ta240

    A Call For Humor!

    It really is a unique look, it does look like an appliance or something in a hospital. I guess it fits with some people's rooms.
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