Search results

  1. Ze Frog

    Anyone familiar with Piega?

    Found a pair of Piega TP5 speakers and thinking of purchasing although I know I shouldn't, meant to be slimming things down and got rid of everything. However I've always wanted a listen of the Piega's, see how the ribbon implementation fares against my D.I.Y bookshelves. Plus with the TP5...
  2. Ze Frog

    Anyone have experience with Robson Audio?

    Looking for amplifier either monoblocks or stereo, NCx500 based and came across this company here in the UK. No doubt they are a legit company and there gear looks extremely nice, just wondering if anyone in UK has purchased from them and was the particular item well executed etc? Some of...
  3. Ze Frog

    Do you refer to yourself as an 'audiophile'?

    I'm curious. As most of us here are here for enlightenment and actual real world science and substance to decide what is potentially a good investment or not I find it really rather strange that a large number of people still refer to themselves in such a way. The term 'audiophile' to me is...
  4. Ze Frog

    Subwoofer with high pass filter.

    Anyone aware of subwoofers that have a high pass filter for mains? Was looking at SVS SB 2000 Pro, mentions low pass but nothing regarding high pass.
  5. Ze Frog

    Idea's for all in oneCD, Pre, DAC combo.

    Hi all. So starting to make room for a pair of powered monitors, 90% Neumann KH 150's. Part of my decision to go down this path is to greatly simplify my system and have less components, ideally I'm aiming for a one box does all approach. Regarding equipment capable of Playing CD's, acting as...
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