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KEF LS60 Wireless Just Announced

Tighter and more fluid delivery. Volume is not set as high as standard cables so there's a more clearer delivery of Mains Power. Dead black background as opposed to standard cables slight background hiss/noise. Clarity overall slightly improved.
Two possible explanations:

a) there is a audible difference as you discribed. In this case you should send both sets of cables to Amir to confirm, that they measure differently and to compare them in a double blind test.

b) they don't sound different and your expectation bias fools you....

Did I miss something?

I apologize btw: don't intend to derail this thread and certainly not for another power cable discussion.....
Two possible explanations:

a) there is a audible difference as you discribed. In this case you should send both sets of cables to Amir to confirm, that they measure differently and to compare them in a double blind test.

b) they don't sound different and your expectation bias fools you....

Did I miss something?

I apologize btw: don't intend to derail this thread and certainly not for another power cable discussion.....
No problems at all. This is an Audio and Science Website/Forum. These findings should be made aware here for other members information and who may be interested in buying these Speakers. I will get in touch with Amir and see what he says about these Power Cables/testing. As I fitted them to my LS60's and swapped them in situ with the same settings and Music this difference was what I heard myself in my personal surroundings. I know and have seen the issues regarding Power Cables, LPSU and RFI on this Site when mentioned. That's why at the end of my Post I stated it was subject to your own personal findings, cables and settings used within. The Power supply was mentioned right at the end of my Post and being mentioned really as an option for prospective owners to maybe try. The LS60's as they are being fabulous in Stock form.
Heard it . Did not like it,Dull and boring, small soundstage. Heard KEF Blade 2 (Plot below), distant male vocal with no presence, something was very wrong with the sound for me.Even if other parts of the spectrum was fine, the vocal presentation just did not satisfy me

Maybe I just do not like correct speakers? Or may be the room the valley at 100Hz spoiled it?

Marten speakers on the same system and room sounded much better than any of the KEFs.

At home this is what I am used to hearing

All plots music RTA spectrum, not pink noise


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On the subject of the aftermarket cable on LS60…

I’m just going to set this down right here;

1:32 and on, especially.

this is apples and limited slip differentials

it's clearly stated "unless they have done wine training" which is the equivalent of being a hardcore enthusiast.

just one example: my mom loves music, rock and metal in particular... but she doesn't really care about audio. i.e. if i played her the same song on her cheap and pretty terrible logitechs from like 2 decades ago and the brand new Edifiers she's gonna get in a month cca, she wouldn't be able to tell the difference (tried with my KEF R7s vs my old Quad 22Ls. night and day to me)

plus, the comparison is kinda lame, and the video even worse. the price for wine is dictated by hype and market, not quality

don't get me wrong, the mass scorings like the Decanter awards and the like are so monumentally stupid it boggles the mind, but wine reviewers (like with other subjective stuff) can be useful, because when you find one whose tastes align with yours, you can at least somewhat rely on his/her opinions (f.e. i really don't care for the "Parker wines" and never really enjoyed anything he loved).

i mean, the video itself contradicts your analogy. people can tell the wines apart, they just like the cheaper stuff (which is perfectly understandable). they'd never be able to tell apart some damned speaker cables, let alone the lunacy described by zen87192

these "speaker cables are like expensive wines" analogies really need to stop

(other than that part of the video showing the influence of price on the enjoyment of things. that graph should be permanently attached to every subjectivist mirror. permanently)
this is apples and limited slip differentials

it's clearly stated "unless they have done wine training" which is the equivalent of being a hardcore enthusiast.

i mean, the video itself contradicts your analogy. people can tell the wines apart, they just like the cheaper stuff (which is perfectly understandable). they'd never be able to tell apart some damned speaker cables, let alone the lunacy described by zen87192
Apparently you absolutely did not see the part where I mention 1:32 and on. The video does indeed align with what he's experiencing -- just certain parts of it, that seem to not have been obvious to you. Yes, there are aspects of the video that completely do not align. I thought those would have been obvious. I apologize for not making that clear in my original post.

"the price for wine is dictated by hype and market, not quality"

So wine is not dictated by taste, but "hype and market."
Wine = taste.
Cables = sound.

Works out pretty well if you ask me.
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Apparently you absolutely did not see the part where I mention 1:32 and on. The video does indeed align with what he's experiencing -- just certain parts of it, that seem to not have been obvious to you.
oh, you mean the part in my post where i said that mass scorings/competitions are garbage and useless? yeah, totally missed that part! or the part where i said that the price influencing perception graph should be stapled to every subjectivist forehead? i must have missed that part as well! good job reading a post that would be shorter than the average tiktok garbage if made in video form! really great attention span!
oh, you mean the part in my post where i said that mass scorings/competitions are garbage and useless? yeah, totally missed that part! or the part where i said that the price influencing perception graph should be stapled to every subjectivist forehead? i must have missed that part as well! good job reading a post that would be shorter than the average tiktok garbage if made in video form! really great attention span!

"the price for wine is dictated by hype and market, not quality"

So wine is not dictated by taste, but "hype and market."
Wine = taste.
Cables = sound.

Works out pretty well if you ask me.
that price has an effect on the perception of things has been know for a long, long time, be that audio (not just cables, but amps, speakers, dacs, literally *everything* in this space. which is exactly what i rather obviously implied with my last statement in my original post. very obviously but i guess you didn't pay much attention to the video... or to my post), wine, whiskey, clothing, televisions, fruit, LSDs, drugs, chairs, pretty much everything for the uninitiated average joe. at this point, it should be a statement of such relevance as "water is wet. more news at 11"

it has become pretty obvious you have no idea about the topics at hand, nor the will to discuss it as i'm repeating myself for the 3rd time, so i'll bid you farewell
that price has an effect on the perception of things has been know for a long, long time, be that audio (not just cables, but amps, speakers, dacs, literally *everything* in this space. which is exactly what i rather obviously implied with my last statement in my original post. very obviously but i guess you didn't pay much attention to the video... or to my post), wine, whiskey, clothing, televisions, fruit, LSDs, drugs, chairs, pretty much everything for the uninitiated average joe. at this point, it should be a statement of such relevance as "water is wet. more news at 11"

it has become pretty obvious you have no idea about the topics at hand, nor the will to discuss it as i'm repeating myself for the 3rd time, so i'll bid you farewell
My guess is the reason the speakers struggle to communicate is because they're a speaker company that understands that aspect of the business very well, but don't understand the more computer-side of things (app software, wireless technologies, etc). The reason they don't have PEQ, HDMI 2.1 bypass, or can get their speakers to talk to each with without interruption, is a lack of experience with computer technologies.
While I accept it is extremely disappointing that speakers at this price exhibit the behaviour described I think your theory as to the cause of the dropping L/R connection is far too sweeping a statement. As someone who has owned a pair of the first generation KEF LS50W for 3 years and 12 days (I just looked it up) and has never once had a L/R dropout during my entire time of ownership and pretty much daily use I think it is unfair to claim that KEF don't understand the more computer side of things since they have been doing this (speakers with computers inside) for a while and, at least from my experience, have done a perfectly fine job with the LS50W.

It does appear that someone in the KEF development team messed up specifically on this aspect of the LS60 firmware (well, one hopes it is a software problem since that is way easier to fix via a firmware update compared to needing a hardware update) but in light of its multi-year history with its LS50 and LSX products, now both of those products onto their second generation, I think it is unfair to characterise the whole company as having no understanding of the computer side of things.
Tomorrow I might have the opportunity to listen to a well setup Kef ls60.
I will write my impressions here later .
Have a question for the current LS60 owners.. I am interested in the KEF LS60. Currently I have the KEF LS50WII + KEF KC62. I am quite satisfied but have the following problem with the LS50+KC62. It's about the wakeup problem of the KC62. I mostly listen to music / TV at a volume of 25 - 33. In the default settings, the subwoofer often goes into standby and does not start. For the solution there is a "workaround" on the Internet works quite well. Here, the subwoofer also becomes active when listening at >28.

How does the LS60 behave at volume 25 - 33 in particular the subwoofer? Can the subwoofer in the LS60 also go on standby? So that he only wakes up when he gets a signal at higher tone?

best regards
Have a question for the current LS60 owners.. I am interested in the KEF LS60. Currently I have the KEF LS50WII + KEF KC62. I am quite satisfied but have the following problem with the LS50+KC62. It's about the wakeup problem of the KC62. I mostly listen to music / TV at a volume of 25 - 33. In the default settings, the subwoofer often goes into standby and does not start. For the solution there is a "workaround" on the Internet works quite well. Here, the subwoofer also becomes active when listening at >28.

How does the LS60 behave at volume 25 - 33 in particular the subwoofer? Can the subwoofer in the LS60 also go on standby? So that he only wakes up when he gets a signal at higher tone?

best regards

There’s no “subwoofer in the LS60” and there’s nothing to wake up. It’s like asking whether the mid driver in your LS50WII has trouble waking up. If it’s on, it’s all on. Subs and their auto-wake circuits are a whole different thing, and yes it seems KEF set the sensitivity on the KC62 too high (at least on the initial production run).
There’s no “subwoofer in the LS60” and there’s nothing to wake up. It’s like asking whether the mid driver in your LS50WII has trouble waking up. If it’s on, it’s all on. Subs and their auto-wake circuits are a whole different thing, and yes it seems KEF set the sensitivity on the KC62 too high (at least on the initial production run).
the question regarding the subwoofer in the LS60 is certainly asked in layman's terms (which I am also in this field). I was referring to the built-in Uni-core driver technology that they also use in the LS60 and is also used in the KC62. This is responsible for the low tones and a KC62 is no longer necessarily needed (certainly also depending on the room size). For me, the KC62 would then fly out of the living room. Not that here also a kind of energy-saving mode is used and this is placed in standby at too low a volume. The answer was but what I also hoped for, "If it’s on, it’s all on". Thanks!
Hats off for the Kef ls60 . They sounded wonderful and looks very neat in real life.
The sound is rather similar to the ls50 wireless II, but even more effortless and with much better bass.
Edit : the sound were better than passive ls50 with dual subwoofers .
For the soundquality these ls60 give you, the price seems very fair.
( not my picture)
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Thanks for the measurements . Can you also measure only one speaker , the Uni Q driver on axis from a distance of 70 cm ?
Scale : 50 dB and 12/oct smoothing .

Yes. But it could take some time. Meanwhile, I do have measurement of 5, 20cm.

About dropping high frequency maybe BT problem? don't know.

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Hats off for the Kef ls60 . They sounded wonderful and looks very neat in real life.
The sound is rather similar to the ls50 wireless II, but even more effortless and with much better bass.
Edit : the sound were better than passive ls50 with dual subwoofers .
For the soundquality these ls60 give you, the price seems very fair.
( not my picture)
Did you hear any hiss when the speakers were powered on, but without any music playing, like @zen87192 did?
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