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Feb 28, 2016
Canada West Coast/Vancouver Island/Victoria area
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Thanks for creating the thread Bob. My wife and I finally watched Mad Max Fury Road last week. The production qualities and non-stop action was unbelievable. The acting on the part of the male actor (forget his name) was not so good. He just looked too nice if that can be imagined. Overall was a good watch.

What was an amazing watch was watching the making of it in the Blu-ray extra. Now that was the movie! They described the motivation and how they went to build these machines and sets. How almost everything was real without CGI. I also understood the concept behind the movie which was action first, talking second. In that regard, I missed the quiet moments that existed in the previous movies but I see why they went there.

All in all, it was a triumph of film making. Just wish the story and male acting was better.
Thanks Amir for sharing your thoughts on George Miller's apocalyptic futuristic philosophical vision.

Max Rockatansky: [Narrating] "My name is Max. My world is fire and blood. Once, I was a cop. A road warrior searching for a righteous cause. As the world fell, each of us in our own way was broken. It was hard to know who was more crazy... me... or everyone else."

Tom Hardy is Max. The more you learn about George's (the director) vision, the more you are provided with the tools of knowledge to appreciate better his way of relating real life today with his "connection". Sure, this is pure fantasy, science-fiction, over-the-top action and characters...and nobody ever said that real life was different...

It is impossible to enter the mind of another human being and see exactly the way that person sees the world around him/her.

Max is more a high design set action movie in the desert than a romantic love story film like 'Brooklyn' between Ireland and New York.
Women, your wife, would enjoy more the later than the former, in vast general.
Also, the first impression we have on films and people is usually the one we usually stick with.
But, it is also an apprentissage to discover more a film's and a person's character. We learn how to love the qualities present in films and in people.
It's an art, a mastering. Every single day I am learning, and I am ready to share my learnings.
...Not as a conclusion, but as a process of exploration. ...Exploring new possibilities and discoveries, and discoveries are never absolute...just like science.

* @ the Oscars last night, a young and beautiful actress, after receiving her Oscar gold statuette, @ the end of her short speech, she said:
"Thank you for watching our films." ...With a beautiful smile straight from the heart. That, is the essence, and what we can see true in other's visions.
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I don't mean to be Mr. Negative, but I was really disappointed in this movie. The art direction and cinematography was pretty amazing. But the story telling, acting, character development? Not so much. I think it won the right Oscars, and perhaps even more to the point, lost the right ones.

That was my point Tim. I think they lost what was "Max." The female lead was very good.

Charlize Theron took charge of reuniting her family. That was her mission, in the spirit of the last sanity still left on the road to fury hell.
Max was her right wing to accomplish her right cause, and ultimately won. Their bond, union, was like none other.

And the ride to family and friends and peace, was all worth it in its fight.
Some of us have been through hell and still are. There are some hell that you never get out of...it's just the way human mechanics and science works.
Inexplicable in words ... even when trying their best by the best writers. ...Films are another avenue, a tough one too; mostly films are inferior to their counterpart stories in books. ...And you have music...classical music to express the hell that humans went through. ...And theater plays. ...And opera can express the human depression through the human voices...that too can be powerful. ...I love Opera music; some entrances me in ways no others can. Human voices are the most powerful musical instruments, along with human pictures...faces, bodies, ...in silence.
Our eyes and ears are the senses of our emotions, our hearts and mind the temple of hell. ...For the people who went through the type of hell you can never forget and completely made invisible. ...No matter the time...till they're free forever...in heaven.


Last night I re-watched this:


It's an intelligent film, a great film. Most of you I'm sure saw it.
It extracts what hell can resembles in its moments of ultimate survival; the passion of the music.

♠ Overall (all): 92.5


In an instant all that you loved and built can evaporate just like that, in one short moment. - B
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Watched Mad Max Fury Road the other night with two buds. Enjoyed everything but all three of use had issues with understanding dialog, specially during the action scenes with lots of other audio going on.
Was it an issue for anyone else? We're all seniors and half deaf, or maybe system relate? Hate to have to be constantly backing up, "what he say".
I almost forgot - anyone who has access to Amazon Prime, go straight to Mozart in the Jungle and start binging. Great, funny, intelligent TV of the kind that couldn't exist before HBO made TV safe for the intellect. This is a new golden age of television, right beside the proliferation of horrible cable news and network reality shows, the best TV ever is being made. I think it might have actually surpassed movies in many ways. The long form allows for story arcs and character development that's just not possible in a couple of hours of film. I cut the cable a year ago. Now my trusty old Panasonic only plays HBO Now, Netflix and Amazon Prime. And the quality of my viewing has gone through the roof as a result.

Watched Mad Max Fury Road the other night with two buds. Enjoyed everything but all three of use had issues with understanding dialog, specially during the action scenes with lots of other audio going on.
Was it an issue for anyone else? We're all seniors and half deaf, or maybe system relate? Hate to have to be constantly backing up, "what he say".
My memory is hazy but I recall that to be an issue a couple of times. I think the accent adds to it as the amount of special effects.

What I found funny was the pronunciation of "gazolin" by lead female actress which otherwise did not speak "Australian." :D
Was in somber mood last night and wanted to watch something to occupy the mind so we watched Get Hard:


Overall the movie is as bad as the poor ratings say. However, the movie is "saved" by Will Ferrell and Kevin Heart who bring a few funny moments of laughter. Was a free watch on our cable system so we got more than what we paid for :).
Been having my own "Fright Fest" lately. Bought Frankenstein - Complete Legacy Collection, all 8 films from the original legacy 1931-1948. I always loved these films specially the ones with multiple monsters, House Of Frankenstein has Frankenstein, Dracula, and The Wolfman all coming to the party. Plus "Bride Of" she was a really hottie, loved the hairdo.
Occasionally its 1957 again and I can hear my father hollering from the other room, "turn off the GD creature features and go to sleep"! They were almost as good with the sound turned all the way down. LOL I never grow up. :cool:
My memory is hazy but I recall that to be an issue a couple of times. I think the accent adds to it as the amount of special effects.

What I found funny was the pronunciation of "gazolin" by lead female actress which otherwise did not speak "Australian." :D
I'm a major "car guy" so even though I'm not a big fan of the rat rod style I did enjoy seeing all the wild designs and big blown motors, the mechcanical eye candy was the best part of the movie. It would be a real gas to go jamming across the desert in one of them. But dose engines aren't going to last too long, sucking all that sand into the unfiltered blower scoops. :(
Just watched Gone Baby Gone:


Excellently directed by Ben Affleck with another "Boston story." This time a complex thriller with fresh and unexpected turns. Well acted by Casey Afflec who was also in Good Will Hunting. Came out in 2007 but I had not heard of it.

Definitely recommended.
And it's interesting; se7en years later (2014) film director David Fincher made Gone Girlhttp://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Gone-Girl-Blu-ray/105824/#Review

...And starring Ben Affleck.


* Last night I re-watched Spectre (latest Bond's flick). That was my 3rd time; 007 must be a special number...number 7, David Fincher's Se7en, and 7 the # I recently picked from a fun video → http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/a...number-claims-predict-time-does-work-YOU.html => This one's for you Amir.


Today is March 3rd, 2016 → 2016-03-03 ... it's my brother's birthday...he turned 60.

* Just playing with numbers like that. Don't mean a thing.
The year 2014 when Gone Girl was released .. 2+0+1+4 = 7
SPECTRE = 7 letters.
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Hi Bob. Yes, Gone Girl is on the list to watch. We watched Spectre on our new LG OLED TV. It was fun but neither I, nor my wife are a fan of this bond. I know, everyone else thinks he is the best bond. But somehow we miss the classic bonds.
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