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"Rich Guys and Reviewers Running Amok in Hi-Fi"

Oyster is a way of making the case waterproof.
Of course it has a time-honoured cache, Rolex is a brilliantly successful marketing company.
They are excellent watches sold with a magnificent margin because of the cache.

To paraphrase Adam Duritz, "The word that you wanted was cachet". "Cache" means a hiding place or storage space.
Guitars made in Japan are also highly valued.

Don't forget they also gave us the Teisco Del Rey. Their electric guitars from the '60s were horrible. Of course, the US also gave us Kay guitars, so there's that.
The Chinese would probably be delighted at the term Chi-fi because it signifies their great success in the audio business. It’s remarkable how so many knowledgeable people admire and own those products. Now people look back at Japanese made components with nostalgia. Old Pioneer, Kenwood, and Sansui bring high prices. People haven’t found fault with Japanese products since the early 1960s and most likely that phenomenon was due to residual hostility from the war. Don’t forget Marco Polo derived pasta from the Chinese.
The Chinese would probably be delighted at the term Chi-fi because it signifies their great success in the audio business. It’s remarkable how so many knowledgeable people admire and own those products. Now people look back at Japanese made components with nostalgia. Old Pioneer, Kenwood, and Sansui bring high prices. People haven’t found fault with Japanese products since the early 1960s and most likely that phenomenon was due to residual hostility from the war. Don’t forget Marco Polo derived pasta from the Chinese.
Some people might see it as potentially racist so we don't use it here. I like the way it is a two- syllable word phrase just like many of the noun type word phrases in Mandarin, and always suspected Chinese people might like the term for the same reason. The simplicity and combination of the two words with two syllables seems sort of Chinese to me... but I am fine respecting Amir's rule, especially if it helps us focus on audio instead of race, politics, hypersensitivity, or whatever. I am definitely not going to die on this hill, and if I learned that members in China, not just SJWs took offense then I wouldn't want to use the term anyway.

I think there was a 'chifi' FB group that imploded over the term... we certainly don't need that crap here.
OK OK I'll bite.

There's a certain cachet to having a cache of cash.
I am sure June Carter and her husband would have both agreed. ;)

Some people might see it as potentially racist so we don't use it here. I like the way it is a two- syllable word phrase just like many of the noun type word phrases in Mandarin, and always suspected Chinese people might like the term for the same reason. The simplicity and combination of the two words with two syllables seems sort of Chinese to me... but I am fine respecting Amir's rule, especially if it helps us focus on audio instead of race, politics, hypersensitivity, or whatever. I am definitely not going to die on this hill, and if I learned that members in China, not just SJWs took offense then I wouldn't want to use the term anyway.

I think there was a 'chifi' FB group that imploded over the term... we certainly don't need that crap here.
None of us should die on some hill, but preferribly in our own homes surrounded by family and friends.
Yup. Here is some innovation for you: https://www.stereophile.com/content/sony-pcm-f1-digital-audio-converter

Please read the most insightful commentary by J. Gordon Holt in this Stereophile piece. 39 years later it is astonishingly profound and prophetic. thanks, Sony, and thanks to the rich F'ers who bought these first machines for $1,800 in 1982, which would be the equivalent of $5,021 today. Without these affluent, fanatical hobbyists, who were accused of using their check books to the ruination of hi-fi, we might not have digital audio today.
I am not one of 'them' rich F'ers but I still have one of 'them' Sony PCM-F1 somewhere in a cushioned Zero/Haliburton aluminum case.
PCM-F1 really was not meant for general consumer consumption.
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