Recent content by terryforsythe

  1. terryforsythe

    RPi4 + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    If you have not already done so, try selecting "Apply and save".
  2. terryforsythe

    power amp recommendation for nad m66

    The KEF R3 meta speakers are 4 ohm. I looked up the Rotel 1582 and all of its specifications are for an 8 ohm load. I found no information indicating how well it handles a 4 ohm load. You might want to check to make sure that amplifier still performs well with a 4 ohm load. Some amplifiers...
  3. terryforsythe

    power amp recommendation for nad m66

    In the late 80's I had a Rotel integrated amp. I really liked it; it sounded very good, was solidly constructed, and was a good value. Recently I got a Hypex Nilai500DIY stereo amplifier for around $1,200. It was very simple to assemble (no soldering, mostly just screwing things together and...
  4. terryforsythe

    "4 Ohm vs 8 Ohm: Which is better for audio?"

    There are a number of advantages: 1. Eliminating the passive crossovers significantly improves the damping factor, resulting in tighter bass. 2. Eliminating inductor power losses. For air core inductors there are no core losses to worry about, but a lot of magnet wire is used and DCR can be...
  5. terryforsythe

    "4 Ohm vs 8 Ohm: Which is better for audio?"

    Good question. In my experience, yes. The following thread follows my project converting my passive speakers into active speakers:
  6. terryforsythe

    "4 Ohm vs 8 Ohm: Which is better for audio?"

    Damping factor also may play a part in this. The higher the damping factor, the greater control the amplifier has over the drivers (up to a point). This usually results in tighter bass. A 16 ohm woofer with low impedance inductors (i.e., crossed over relatively high) connected to a low output...
  7. terryforsythe

    "4 Ohm vs 8 Ohm: Which is better for audio?"

    Driver impedances are complex. Typically there are trade-offs made in passive filter designs for crossovers. Ideally the crossover will put the drivers in phase through the crossover region while providing a flat on-axis frequency response and desired off-axis frequency response...
  8. terryforsythe

    "4 Ohm vs 8 Ohm: Which is better for audio?"

    I'm with you on that. I have active speakers in my office and I converted my passive speakers in my family room to be all active.
  9. terryforsythe

    "4 Ohm vs 8 Ohm: Which is better for audio?"

    Here are impedance and phase curves from a speaker Amir recently reviewed - they are self explanatory: f
  10. terryforsythe

    "4 Ohm vs 8 Ohm: Which is better for audio?"

    4 ohm speakers for home use, and home amplifiers that can drive them, are more common today than they were, say pre-1990. As noted, assuming current is not a limiting factor, you can get double the output power for a given output voltage using a 4 ohm speaker as opposed to an 8 ohm speaker...
  11. terryforsythe

    "4 Ohm vs 8 Ohm: Which is better for audio?"

    For use in home audio, here are some advantages and disadvantages that come to mind: 4 ohm advantages over 8 ohm: - twice the amplifier output power for a given output voltage, assuming output current is not a limitation (not always the case, though). - approximately 1/2 the inductance values...
  12. terryforsythe

    "4 Ohm vs 8 Ohm: Which is better for audio?"

    It depends on the use case. Both levels of impedance have their advantages and disadvantages.
  13. terryforsythe

    Replacing The Manufacture’s Jumper Bar

    More than somewhat less. The Conductivity of copper is 58 mS/m. For brass it is 16 mS/m, which is about 28%. But otherwise I agree with your post - generally insignificant for such a short connection considering other impedances/resistances in the circuit, including inductor DCR, inductor...
  14. terryforsythe

    Replacing The Manufacture’s Jumper Bar

    The post to which I was replying was a reply to a post pertaining to changing jumpers, not to comparing two different speakers.
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