Recent content by Vince

  1. V

    Bargain DAC Suggestions?

    Thank you so much for your input Veri. I just received the 1More Triple a couple of days ago and started reading on portable DACs when massdrop dropped me an e-mail on the availability of Audirect Beam so curiosity hit me. Good to know there won't be any substantial benefit I will get from...
  2. V

    Bargain DAC Suggestions?

    Thanks a lot for your quick response Veri! Nothing wrong with the audio output of the OnePlus 3 per se (the music volume used is roughly between 50-65% mark). Just wanted to see if I could improve on the quality
  3. V

    Bargain DAC Suggestions?

    Hi All, I am new here and in the market for a bargain portable DAC to use it with my mobile phone (OnePlus 3) and Headphone (1More Triple). Should I get the Audirect Beam (ES9118) or Sabaj Da3 (Dual SABRE9018Q2C)? Thanks a lot in advance for your advice
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