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  1. V

    ifi Zen Dac, thoughts, reviews?

    Out of curiosity, does the LED underneath the volume knob go off when it sits for more than 10 seconds? Just wondering if the BIOS cuts usb power when not used - BIOS power-savings? - I hear a soft thump in mine whenever my machine powers on/off, as the dac seems to detect different input...
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    ifi Zen Dac, thoughts, reviews?

    Interesting - haven't had this issue either on windows or linux. U using this on a laptop?
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    ifi Zen Dac, thoughts, reviews?

    @BDWoody Nothing to be outraged about, and also nothing useful ever comes out of that. To your point, the tests aren't of much use with no controls. May well give it a shot this weekend(assuming I can set it up properly) and see what comes out of it. I'm assuming a fixed frequency tone will do...
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    ifi Zen Dac, thoughts, reviews?

    @BDWoody Afraid my test wasn't as thorough. The leveling was done by ear, so no tight control there. The person that helped did know what/which device was playing at a given moment, with me putting down the impressions on paper. With that said, am happy to redo that test with tighter control...
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    ifi Zen Dac, thoughts, reviews?

    Cheers for that, I've updated my post to specify. As mentioned, only Strix Pro and V20 were double-blinded. The specs do seem great. Also, if there's a more correct way to describe the expressiveness of these, feel free to correct me. As I said, I don't consider myself an expert.
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    ifi Zen Dac, thoughts, reviews?

    I've used same sources to compare all of the above - I realize some are just youtube streams, however the audio is fairly decent with most: --> Two Steps From Hell - High C's --> Vivaldi L' estro armonico Op.3 Concerto No.10 in B...
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    ifi Zen Dac, thoughts, reviews?

    Hi All, I didn't see too many reviews on this yet so I thought to ask, has anyone here purchased/listened to the ifi Zen Dac yet? I recently purchased the ifi Zen Dac for home use with my desktop machine, and am not really sure what to make of it. For anyone wondering, this thing here...
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