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    Adam T5V Review (Studio Monitor)

    Mine are angled upwards on the foam which also provides about 2” lift.
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    Adam T5V Review (Studio Monitor)

    I've got my new T5V monitors on my desk on top of some angled foam pads. I'm very happy with the sound quality. I'm feeding the speakers from an EVO 4 usb interface with TRS to XLR cables. With the gain on the speakers at max (+18dB) I need the EVO 4 output at 75% to get a nice listening level...
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    Adam T5V Review (Studio Monitor)

    The initial review suggest that speakers may be okay with a 30° angle upward from tweeters to ears. What suggestions to people have for using the T5V speakers on a desktop? Speaker stands, foam pads? I'll be putting them on each side of my iMac in an equilateral 36" spacing ( L_ears_R). It...
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    Adam T5V Review (Studio Monitor)

    Hiss drives me up the wall. I'm rearranging my workspace to better accommodate larger speakers and checking the sofa cushions for spare change. The difference between a $240 set of monitors that annoys and a $400 set that I enjoy is not worth the savings.
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    Adam T5V Review (Studio Monitor)

    I'm putting together a small home studio to edit training videos and interviews. The monitors will sit on my desk beside my iMac. After reading this review I'm wondering if the Adam T5V ($200) is a better monitor for my work than the less expensive JBL LSR305P MKii ($130). The $140 savings would...
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