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  1. A

    Piezo pickup system for a solid body bass

    Hi, I have a bass guitar that has a magnetic pickup and an undersaddle piezo pickup. Unfortunately the bridge is no good and I'm about to have one made custom. The bass has a plastic top (!) and a mahogany body, it is on paper a semi acoustic but it's closer to being a solid body, considering...
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    What if I actually want my power amp to distort?

    I'm a bit frustrated at the available material on the 'net for building MI amplifiers: I want to build a solid state bass/guitar amp, which does not require hi-fi levels of linearity (like, average power could be stated @ 2-3% THD and it would still be "clean"), can clip gracefully and softly...
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    Why do we hold amplifiers to such high standards?

    Hi, I'm new to the forum and I'm a prospective builder (not really of hi-fi systems, although I would like to try my hand at a couple of speakers; I'm more interested in MI amplification). I'm *not* an audiophile by any means. I do care about fidelity in the right places (studio monitors, for...
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