dynamic driver

  1. nerdemoji

    Is there really any advantage to planar magnetics or electrostats?

    I have read up some things about them now and I am really wondering whether planar magnetics (or electrostats) are better than dynamic drivers. Due to their exotic nature, planars and stats are more FR varied between Left and Right Channels as well as having more variation between different...
  2. Fraxo

    In IEMs - Is there a scientific proof that BA Timbre is a real thing? What about "Speed"?

    This whole topic is getting annoying. I don't need people to repeat the same facts about different technologies of drivers, Planar\BA\DD etc.. But can someone actually prove that there are differences beyond FR? An actual audible proof or something that impossible to refute? Debates about this...
  3. BillG

    New release: KZ ZXA

    Knowledge Zenith has been busy. The ZXA is hybrid 7BA + 1DD IEM they're releasing soon: https://aliexpress.com/item/1005001351156041.html?trace=wwwdetail2mobilesitedetail&spm=5261.ProductManageOnline.0.0.28af4edfUYFYlN&spm=a2g0n.store_home.slider_2805489.0
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