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Van Alstine set 120 Control amp


New Member
May 7, 2024
I bought this Spartan little amp of 60 wpc a few months ago and have been quite pleased with it in most respects, and especially in the sound quality dept. It's been out for a few years and has garnered very favorable reviews from a couple of sources. There's a new amp they've just added to the line this month which is 55 wpc, but with a phono section added and remote control which mine lacks. Anyway, given how good sounding and absolutely dead quite this amp is I find it odd that the company seems to have a policy of not telling anyone the basic specs outside of wpc. Initially I thought they were trying to hide something, before finally concluding that they weren't and buying it. Since I know what the amp sounds like, and since I like it, I really wouldn't care what the specs are beyond my curious nature, but alas they don't appear to be available anywhere I've seen. In practice the Set 120 Control amp acts like an integrated amp, but is actually just an amp with a passive preamp, volume control, and selector, with the gain turned up 6 db if memory serves. In any event, if anyone knows where specs on this can be found I'd be interested because Van Alstine ain't talking and I guess it's their philosophy in some way, shape, or form. Incidentally, based on my little amp I would recommend the new one, although I don't think it's been reviewed by anyone so far.


Master Contributor
Feb 8, 2021
Algol Perseus
Hello, welcome to ASR. :)
I find it odd that the company seems to have a policy of not telling anyone the basic specs outside of wpc.
Yes that is something to be wary of for sure.
favorable reviews from a couple of sources.
Not based on measurements then I assume? "Reviewer" listening impressions are generally nothing of note.

This is a Class A amp to 10W, then Class A/B;


Have you considered sending it in for testing by Amir here at ASR? It would be interesting to see the measurements.



New Member
May 7, 2024
Nah, I don't want to lose the use of it to send for testing and like I said it sounds great, so I have no concerns about the specs, but only curiosity. One of the reviews I read was from Part Time Audiophile's Sept 19th 2020 issue which gave it and Editors Choice, and their technical director gave it a big thumbs up for design and quality parts, if I remember correctly, but no tests. It's a small company to the point I think they build it after receiving your order. Also their prices are more than reasonable as they've cut out the middleman and sell directly to you. The Audiophiliac did a review a couple of years ago which was quite favorable, but again no specs. They have plenty of other amps, much more powerful, and preamps solid state and tubes. Anyway, it looks like the specs are going to remain a mystery, but there is one spec I know is great and that's sn because with my ear right up to the speaker an inch or two away and the volume set at 12:00 o'clock I get silence. I've never owned gear like that and I've own a lot over many years.
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