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FIIO K9, computer installation ?


New Member

I ordered the FIIO K9 PRO ESS headphone amp-dac.
I'm going to use it as a headphone amp for my FOCAL CLEAR with my ASUS computer (windows 10) via USB with the Foobar2000 player.
I would like to have information on the installation (fiio drivers...), tips, problems to avoid...
Thank you very much !!

Ian Wendt

If it's anything like the Fiio K7, installation is very straightforward. You may, depending on your system, have to do the XML tweak for the control panel software, but that's pretty straight forward, you can even find the instructions right on this very website.



Master Contributor
The FiiO K9 Pro ESS works plug-and-play using the Generic USB Audio Class drivers that come with every Windows 10 install.

You can simply plug the DAC in via USB and start playing music.
Even Bit-perfect audio transmission works without a manual driver install by using the Wasapi (push) output method in foobar 2000: https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_out_wasapi

If you want to use FiiO's customized driver instead, then you can find download links and instruction videos here: https://forum.fiio.com/note/showNoteContent.do?id=202105191527366657910&tid=17

The performance of your K9 Pro will not change after you install the driver, however, you will be able to access the DAC's native ASIO interface for the programs that need it, or for native DSD playback.