audio analyser

  1. A

    I just build a 14-band music spectrum analyzer

    Hello everyone! Over the past few months, I've built a 14-band spectrum analyzer using 280 RGB full color LEDs and laser cut and frosted acrylic blocks. Here are some pictures: Do you like it? If so, please give it a check and drop me any your feedback.
  2. AndrovichIV

    Is noise and distortion between a DAC and AMP additive or argmax?

    Okay suppose you have a DAC with a SINAID of 114 dB and you pair it with an AMP with SINAD of 90 dB. Would the overall SINAD be 90db or worse? Asking out of curiosity TBH.
  3. TungstenC

    A Curious Question On Audio Analysers

    Is it possible to use an audio analyser's output section for audio playback(music)?
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