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Integrated Amp Ideas?


Hello Everyone,

I am looking within a budget of 1900 - 2200.00 USD, here is what I am looking for feature-wise from this device:

- PreOuts
- Subwoofer out
- Possible Tube Pre Amp (more of nice to have)
- If there is a phone stage should be a damn good one.
- Headphone Jack

My current equipment:
- Mofi Ultradeck
- Parasound Pre 200
- Parasound NewClassic 2250 v.2
- Kplisch RP600 M2 and waiting for my Clayton Shaw's Caladans
- Apple Airport Express
- Rythmic 12" Subs

What ever I get needs to be better than what I have now, I like having Apple AirPlay2 for my system but it's to hear my tunes while working. I listen to my system when I am using vinyl, so don't need the highest of the high for the digital life.

what I am considering:
- Yamaha RN1000a
- Technics SU-GX70
- Heaven11 Billie Amp 2
- Primo Unico
- BlackIce Fusion F22

Thanks in advance for any feedback



Grand Contributor
Forum Donor
Add in the Buckeye Amps class D integrated amplifier. It's coming sometime in the near future. I don't think a tube pre stage is offered but the rest of the list seems doable.


Major Contributor
If you don't know what you want, I'd recommend an AVR. You'll get more for your money, all of the inputs you need, a decoder for all of the standard digital formats, bass management/crossover for the woofer, room correction, and if you ever want surround sound you can simply add speakers. (Not all AVRs have phono preamps or preamp outputs.)

Possible Tube Pre Amp (more of nice to have)
It's almost 2024! There is no advantage to 1950s technology. The good news is that's only somewhat more costly to build a tube preamp compared to solid state. It's MUCH more expensive to make a (good quality) tube power amp because of the output transformer.


Active Member
Marantz 70 stereo, Audiolab 7000N + 7000N, Cambridge 75, NAD C389… and any AVR or any Amp+ Bluesound Node.

2.1 HDMI Arc + streamer integrated amps are getting popular, and DSP is optional in some of them.

AVR offer a lot for less money, but you can’t chose internal components as they are enclosed, and you’ll be stuck to the technology offered at the time you buy.

Low tier AVR have low tier DACs, RMS total power is high in facts but with high distorsion, as their power supply is cheap… if you are more focused on music than TV sometimes is better choosing simple but quality components.

First I’d choose between 2.1 vs 5/7… and then think about upgradability.
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Thanks, everyone for all these insights and input. So far, I am leaning more toward the Billie Amp with an Apple Airport Express. I just need a good phono stage and I think I am all sorted.


Addicted to Fun and Learning
Hello ASR_new_newfriend, welcome aboard!

I suppose the first thing for you to note is that we're pretty much all objectivists here, so that means that we give primacy to data and very little to opinion. Keeping this in mind, you will find that recomendations here will come from the point of view that data for a device exists and it shows good engineering.

So whats a new_friend to do? I recommend you familiarize yourself with Review Index (search for integrated amp) and sort by SINAD... kinda like this:


Now - what's important to note is that SINAD is not the whole story. It does not alone promise a device you will be pleased with... but it does indicate that the device was well engineered, so if the other factors align with your interests, there's a good chance so will the device performance.

Feel free to peruse the review links. Amir has made several very informative videos about how devices like the one you're after a measured and evaluated - search out and have a go at those. At least then, you will be more or less informed about how opinions are formed here, so when you solicit some, you can feel that you and your opinionators are doing some critical thinking.

Finally, this is about enjoying music, and while the stuff surrounding that experience (the tactile and visual experience of listening to music) is important, in the end - what is most important is to hear what the artist has intended for us to hear. And, yes, this too can be confusing - is the artist the songwriter? the performer? the recording engineer? - ideally all of them, and us, the audience, are all working to meet at some target that is "neutral sound". There's lots of disagreement about what that is, but the range of opinion there is much narrower than one might think, primarily because normal human ability to resolve minute difference in sound is not that great and we're very adapatable and will very quickly find a happy place even if the sound deviates from the standard we strive towards.

So welcome, have a rummage around, hopefully you find it informative and educational. I, for one, have very much enjoyed my jopurney of learning that this place has enabled!


Master Contributor
Forum Donor
Thanks, everyone for all these insights and input. So far, I am leaning more toward the Billie Amp with an Apple Airport Express. I just need a good phono stage and I think I am all sorted.
You might get a bigger choice of amps if you add in a Cambridge Audio external phono preamp (Solo for MM, Duo for MC).


Active Member
Low tier AVR have low tier DACs, RMS total power is high in facts but with high distorsion, as their power supply is cheap… if you are more focused on music than TV sometimes is better choosing simple but quality components.
I think that on average power supply in AVR is better than you can get in integrated amp with the same price. DAC usually is not limiting performance, it is rather power amp, and that still should be good enough to be transparent.

I have replaced my stereo with AVR many years ago, using 2.1 setup until recently. I'm still in wonder, how much upgrade it was for sound, functionality and convenience.


Marantz 70 stereo, Audiolab 7000N + 7000N, Cambridge 75, NAD C389… and any AVR or any Amp+ Bluesound Node.

2.1 HDMI Arc + streamer integrated amps are getting popular, and DSP is optional in some of them.

AVR offer a lot for less money, but you can’t chose internal components as they are enclosed, and you’ll be stuck to the technology offered at the time you buy.

Low tier AVR have low tier DACs, RMS total power is high in facts but with high distorsion, as their power supply is cheap… if you are more focused on music than TV sometimes is better choosing simple but quality components.

First I’d choose between 2.1 vs 5/7… and then think about upgradability.
Yeah in this room there is no TV just my hifi and a chair.


Major Contributor
Forum Donor
Thanks this is really in alignment to what I am looking for
Friend of mine got it, he adores it, and it sounds fantastic powering KEF Blades (although it's hard to make those sound poorly :-D).

PS: Super interested in your impressions about the Caladan speakers.
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In the end I went with Kinki EX-M1+, but I tell ya if I had more interest in streaming I'd do the NAD 399.

Thanks for everyone's feedback.

Will Call

Hello Everyone,

I am looking within a budget of 1900 - 2200.00 USD, here is what I am looking for feature-wise from this device:

- PreOuts
- Subwoofer out
- Possible Tube Pre Amp (more of nice to have)
- If there is a phone stage should be a damn good one.
- Headphone Jack

My current equipment:
- Mofi Ultradeck
- Parasound Pre 200
- Parasound NewClassic 2250 v.2
- Kplisch RP600 M2 and waiting for my Clayton Shaw's Caladans
- Apple Airport Express
- Rythmic 12" Subs

What ever I get needs to be better than what I have now, I like having Apple AirPlay2 for my system but it's to hear my tunes while working. I listen to my system when I am using vinyl, so don't need the highest of the high for the digital life.

what I am considering:
- Yamaha RN1000a
- Technics SU-GX70
- Heaven11 Billie Amp 2
- Primo Unico
- BlackIce Fusion F22

Thanks in advance for any feedback

To start with, I recommend upgrading your speakers first.


Master Contributor
Forum Donor
PS: Super interested in your impressions about the Caladan speakers.
These ones? Sorry to spoil expectations, but I'd assume a rather bad spinorama (12" woofer and a tweeter without big waveguide), so their sound would be very sensitive to placement and difficult to EQ.



These ones? Sorry to spoil expectations, but I'd assume a rather bad spinorama (12" woofer and a tweeter without big waveguide), so their sound would be very sensitive to placement and difficult to EQ.

Thanks for the info