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Review and Measurements of NuPrime uDSD DAC/AMP


Major Contributor
Oct 13, 2018
Le Mans, France
Hi there Mr. NuPrime :
Look at the little DAC we use to listen to Spotify : Toslink & S/PDIF coax in ---> RCA out, as well as the headphone Jack !
5V powered ... no USB, 96kHZ max :facepalm: ... $15 on Amazon !!! ;)



New Member
Apr 5, 2019
The flaw in your reasoning is that this is not really a desktop amp. It is a USB powered device. Most (not all) are limited to about 2V RMS output. They really should be thought of as usb dacs, with a weak headphone amp thrown in for free. If they have low impedance output, then there is the other usage scenario with iems and cans made for portable use.

For portable, and less price, the Topping NX4 DSD provides great performance and power, as do DACPORT HD and others above $200.

A real desktop amp will drive just about anything. Not just the Schiits. Easy to do with a wall plug for power.

You need to compare apples to apples. If your listening position is fixed, then a full-sized amp is beyond obvious.

Thank you for this post! It helped me back on track, in the DAC/Amp forrest.
If there is no other qualified suggestion, that meets my requirements, this is the argument that makes me pull the trigger in the uDSD.

I'm looking for a (preferably) USB powered USB-DAC that runs with WinXP (yes, it has to be XP).
The NuPrime-service sent me an XP driver, although they don't support XP anymore, which is quite nice imho!
The DAC portion has priority over the HP-amp.

I've been checkin on several devices.
I started with the Silverstone EB01-E. Amazon linked similar products with lower sampling rates etc.
Finally I found some reviews so I could refine my search pattern which eventually led me to this site.
Of course I had an eye on the Topping DX3, very nice piece of tech, especially the Bluetooth part, but it lacks XP driver support and a wall plug is also mandatory. :-(

So, any other suggestion that I could consider?
Thanks ahead!
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