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Star Wars: Andor (TV)

Watched the first 3 episodes, and surprisingly this ain't bad. I've given up on all the others (and don't like most of the movies), but this is a bit darker. And one of the female leads looks like a younger St Vincent and that's a big plus. No really bad acting so far either.

Watched the first 3 episodes, and surprisingly this ain't bad. I've given up on all the others (and don't like most of the movies), but this is a bit darker. And one of the female leads looks like a younger St Vincent and that's a big plus. No really bad acting so far either.
I have my issues with the Star Wars universe... for example I tried to re-watch, Rogue One... A bit tedious to me... but by watching it you can understand that Cassian Andor, was/is a douche, useful douche for sure and in Rogue One, he also killed cold-blooded...
Among my issues:

The Technology... makes no sense. Faster Than Light Travel is commonplace, as are androids and robots in general, yet, manual labor is commonplace... and those laser blasters and those stormtroopers, straight out of those old Chinese actions flicks, where the bad guys wait patiently for the hero to dispatch their compadres before attacking, and of course be dispatched... And the stormtroopers armors, what's their use? since they are always ineffective: one blast and they're gone so why the helmet and entire plastic looking armor ? I could go on. In Andor they even have CRT screens.. Holograms are always fuzzy.. Why? in 1977, they could be accepted, we didn't know any better but right now with Flatscreens ,everywhere on everything?... One can fish for explanations and rationales, but FTL-capabilities, CRT screens and heavy manual labor? ...
Often the CCTV looks like something from the 1950's... In a starship they should have had cameras everywhere... yet... the heroes, can disguise themselves and enter in highly secure facilities... We are all getting HD in our houses on Earth today, yet a FTL-capable civilization gets CRT grainy pictures, and holograms?
There is a childish, almost medieval aspect to Star Wars that just bother me.. I know some of the inspiration came from, but ...
They love bars, that clearly cater to only humanoids, of course, the dancing-fuzzy holograms... :rolleyes:

yet I so far like Andor, perhaps it is me yearning for some good SciFi series but.. I'll take Andor .. it is better than Obi, the Mandalorian (yeh! right carrying a kid , everywhere you go...even to battle, sometime) or Bobba Fet...

Hope episode 3 is a harbinger of better things to come ... I now, know this will be far removed from a "The Expanse"-level series, by several light-years. :)

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I have my issues with the Star Wars universe... for example I tried to re-watch, Rogue One... A bit tedious to me... but by watching it you can understand that Cassian Andor, was/is a douche, useful douche for sure and in Rogue One, he also killed cold-blooded...
Among my issues:

The Technology... makes no sense. Faster Than Light Travel is commonplace, as are androids and robots in general, yet, manual labor is commonplace... and those laser blasters and those stormtroopers, straight out of those old Chinese actions flicks, where the bad guys wait patiently for the hero to dispatch their compadres before attacking, and of course be dispatched... And the stormtroopers armors, what's their use? since they are always ineffective: one blast and they're gone so why the helmet and entire plastic looking armor ? I could go on. In Andor they even have CRT screens.. Holograms are always fuzzy.. Why? in 1977, they could be accepted, we didn't know any better but right now with Flatscreens ,everywhere on everything?... One can fish for explanations and rationales, but FTL-capabilities, CRT screens and heavy manual labor? ...
Often the CCTV looks like something from the 1950's... In a starship they should have had cameras everywhere... yet... the heroes, can disguise themselves and enter in highly secure facilities... We are all getting HD in our houses on Earth today, yet a FTL-capable civilization gets CRT grainy pictures? And Holograms
There is a childish, almost medieval aspect to Star Wars that just bother me.. I know some of the inspiration came from, but ...
They love bars, that clearly cater to only humanoids, of course, the dancing-fuzzy holograms... :rolleyes:

yet I so far like Andor, perhaps it is me yearning for some good SciFi series but.. I'll take Andor .. it is better than Obi, the Mandalorian (yeh! right carrying a kid , everywhere you go...even to battle, sometime) or Bobba Fet...

Hope episode 3 is a harbinger of better things to come ... I now, know this will be far removed from a "The Expanse"-level series, by several light-years. :)

You have to remember this was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Makes suspending disbelief easier.
You have to remember this was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Makes suspending disbelief easier.

I have my issues with the Star Wars universe... for example I tried to re-watch, Rogue One... A bit tedious to me... but by watching it you can understand that Cassian Andor, was/is a douche, useful douche for sure and in Rogue One, he also killed cold-blooded...
Among my issues:

The Technology... makes no sense. Faster Than Light Travel is commonplace, as are androids and robots in general, yet, manual labor is commonplace... and those laser blasters and those stormtroopers, straight out of those old Chinese actions flicks, where the bad guys wait patiently for the hero to dispatch their compadres before attacking, and of course be dispatched... And the stormtroopers armors, what's their use? since they are always ineffective: one blast and they're gone so why the helmet and entire plastic looking armor ? I could go on. In Andor they even have CRT screens.. Holograms are always fuzzy.. Why? in 1977, they could be accepted, we didn't know any better but right now with Flatscreens ,everywhere on everything?... One can fish for explanations and rationales, but FTL-capabilities, CRT screens and heavy manual labor? ...
Often the CCTV looks like something from the 1950's... In a starship they should have had cameras everywhere... yet... the heroes, can disguise themselves and enter in highly secure facilities... We are all getting HD in our houses on Earth today, yet a FTL-capable civilization gets CRT grainy pictures, and holograms?
There is a childish, almost medieval aspect to Star Wars that just bother me.. I know some of the inspiration came from, but ...
They love bars, that clearly cater to only humanoids, of course, the dancing-fuzzy holograms... :rolleyes:

yet I so far like Andor, perhaps it is me yearning for some good SciFi series but.. I'll take Andor .. it is better than Obi, the Mandalorian (yeh! right carrying a kid , everywhere you go...even to battle, sometime) or Bobba Fet...

Hope episode 3 is a harbinger of better things to come ... I now, know this will be far removed from a "The Expanse"-level series, by several light-years. :)

Hahahahhaahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahhaaahahahahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. This is the most ridiculous thing I've read all week. You act like this fiction, let me stress that word again FICTION, should adhere to the scientific model by which we know the world today? Do you think this is somehow a documentary? Your incapability to suspend your sense of wonder be-tokens a serious lack of substance abuse at an early age. If you want a semblance of reality go watch the "Discovery" channel, oh! wait a minute, most of that is fiction as well but they dress it up like it's got more "realzies" on the screen. Go find a bong.
Hahahahhaahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahhaaahahahahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. This is the most ridiculous thing I've read all week. You act like this fiction, let me stress that word again FICTION, should adhere to the scientific model by which we know the world today? Do you think this is somehow a documentary? Your incapability to suspend your sense of wonder be-tokens a serious lack of substance abuse at an early age. If you want a semblance of reality go watch the "Discovery" channel, oh! wait a minute, most of that is fiction as well but they dress it up like it's got more "realzies" on the screen. Go find a bong.

My ignore list grew a bit.

not interested in any , any new star wars under the disney name now .
Yes you've said that in any SW or SW related thread... we get it. :p

Have you watched any of Andor? That's pretty much what this thread is about...

there is no force on this planet that will mind trick me into watching it on amazon . :)
Watch it you will... desire it you do.


My ignore list grew a bit.

Ha! Given the "depth" of your perception, I'm sure your "ignore" list is already very long:p
But Andor is different - the show is far removed from Disney’s usual shtick of reference-heavy, poorly written slop, packed with easter eggs to distract from lack of substance.

Andor actually feels like it takes place in another world, an interesting place filled with janky, retro-futuristic technology and discontented rebels; at points, it almost feels like Blade Runner, a gritty, grounded look at the lives of the regular folk living under the boot of the Empire.
Cassian himself is a likeable mess, a far cry from a pure-hearted Jedi; he’s a rugged survivalist trying to dig himself out of the problems he keeps creating.

Nope. Very bad. I still say Disney can't do Star Wars. I believe there's a good reason for that, but I'd be hijacking the thread. (But it's nice to see Forbes clearly stating that all others were bad! :) )

I'll keep waiting.
I think that, for myself and a lot of people in my situation, the recent Disney+ series' have set up more than they actually deliver upon. I love the look and feel of so many of these new Star Wars series, but the writing and pacing have been difficult at best. I want to know more about the life of a rogue in a punishing galactic empire. That's fun! I just wish they had more scenes that clearly involved being a rogue. The best parts, IMO, were definitely the corporate security side. The overly optimistic security guy getting a real taste of war was brilliantly executed. Somehow episode one in particular felt completely needless. I just hope it's actually building to something this time instead of more setups and vistas.
For my money, the only really decent film in the 9-part main series is 'The Empire Strikes Back.' I was so bored by the original film at age 12.5 that I would have walked out if I lived within walking distance of the theater. Watching it now, I still don't understand what all the fuss was about. Every Disney TV series is far better than other first 8 films, Lucas or Disney. 'Rogue One' isn't bad. 'Solo' is o.k.
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That was actually pretty good. I’m more convinced episode one should have been scrapped and replaced with actually obtaining this ‘starpath’ unit. As it stands, the obsession over it is more frustrating than useful. Coruscant is fun and hardly different, the antique shop was rad, Mon Mothma’s actress and scenes were on the level I expected earlier. The bumpiness of it all is what still has me concerned. Is this the show now, or a fluke?

It's official: I like Andor.. so far ...

Entertaining , if I may, in an Adult way. It is slow, for sure but keeps you thinking. Hope it stays good.
So far they have avoided light-sabers... Hope it stays that way.

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It's official: I like Andor.. so far ...

Entertaining , if I may in an Adult way. It slow, for sure but keep you thinking. So far. Good, hope it stays good. SO far they haveavoided light-sabers... Hope it stays that way.

re: light sabers
Agreed. I hope we don't meet any Jedi/Sith along the way. It's time to give that part of the story a rest.
Okay, so I just watched episodes 3 and 4. It’s still a bit slow, but the story seems to get in shape.

I’m still not warming up to Andor. There seem to be more interesting characters though.

So far, I’m not really hating it. So that’s okay for now. Hope it get’s better yet.
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