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Tropical Cyclone Maria

I rarely watch the news except to get the local news and weather. Just too much crap and I have some other stuff going on right now so just can't take it. I am sure there is plenty of blame to go around. In any event I shall try to stay away from this thread since I have not been following and thus "have it all wrong".
You sure did Don. And it wasn't my intention to introduce some key decision makers into the equation, but it was inevitable here.
And yes I follow the developments very closely; I take the time when something touches my heart.

I love the audio hobby, the video hobby, the science behind the technologies, the what is possible tomorrow, and everything between, including the music playing and the films rolling.

Maria was devastating for the people of Puerto Rico and their surroundings; they deserve the same care provided to the people of Texas and Florida.
There is no excuse for that extremely long delay, not in the United States of America, not to its people.

I am done now with this. I needed to voice my broken heart.

It is important to take care of our families, of our people, of our children, of our elders.
In Florida there was a lack of it @ that home for the elders...truly sad mismanagement that shouldn't have happened. But I won't go there, that's another hurricane thread, and I have already mentioned it.
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I saw that this morning but alas, it seems that there is nothing he can do to make that happen. This is a civil dispute and government has no role in it. The only thing the government can do is pass legislation that would donate that fund to them which I suspect is very unlikely.

It's sad that Wall Street companies, banks, financial foundations of our children survival is dealing with thieves, criminals, frauds, false news, underground complicities, fake earnings reports, ... without any control whatsovever.

Money corruption is worst than hurricanes...is it possible in today's human evolution of man and woman on earth?

And don'the invest with fake companies.

Stay with solid foundations...Apple, Coke, Tesla, Microsoft, Amazon, Colgate, Palmolive, Disney, Research companies on cancer drug related, eye care, pharmaceuticals, development of urbanisation and infrastructures, conglomerates, bridges, steel, gold, diamonds, Internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Analog music albums (LP), Hollywood movie industry, Live Ballets and Operas, Dance, Theater, Arts, Picasso, Dali, Water from the mountains, Reforestation, Wells, Wells Fargo, Goldman, Bank of America, Heritage buildings, highest skyscrapers, condominiums, penthouses, shoes, wardrobe, Italian cars, pyjamas, silk, cotton, plutonium, oil, copper, silver, the Large Hadron Collider, Science, Climates, Biology, Chemistry, Greek, Islands, ...
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Figures of all the speech the media picks up on that... I also noticed a lot of incorrect information was passed around on all sides in the early days after the hurricane. PR debt has been a topic for years but AFAIK nothing's ever been done about it, just keeps growing, and their infrastructure just keeps going downhill. I wonder how much if any is neglect since they are a territory and not a state. But look at some of our states' debts and their attitude... I worry for my kids, let alone my ability to ever retire. My dad went downhill after 70, died at 80, and I'm afraid when I finally can retire I'll be too poor in health and wealth to enjoy it.
I'm waiting to see some new listings here...


Too much greenery in the pictures for anything to be current.
Ray, how would you propose restructuring the Island on all levels, for all its people?

I've thought about it...

I have neither economic nor political solutions to offer.

These guys could spruce up the place, if they felt like it. Each chip in a few hundred mil...
Where's the good news?

Plenty of flights in the air all day...


There are plenty of flights available with stops. Fly to Charlotte to Philadelphia to Miami, for example.

Nontop SanJuan to Miami, first one found is 14 days away. At least the price is right...

I've thought about it...

I have neither economic nor political solutions to offer.

These guys could spruce up the place, if they felt like it. Each chip in a few hundred mil...

No way, all these guys don't want anything remotely invested in an island of Hurricane alley, just no way...bad investment, short term vacation only, long term destruction.

Best is to simply replant trees, fix hospitals, get drinking water, food supplies, motivate people of Puerto Rico to become autonomous by developing their island's beautiful natural gardening resources and music/art culture, plus their beautiful beaches for their children to play on, swim in the ocean, go fishing.
Every citizen, every youngster can work together in making their island hurricane-proof with roofs made of undestructible chrome steel. ...Have irrigation systems for torrentuous rainfalls, ...prepare from experience.

It's the people first who invest in their own communities, then the big smart investors with lots of money will come...it always work that way when well prepared @ any eventuality...nature and man made.

But no screwing around; play fair and square...with good balance of equity and human spirit of the heart.

Investing in people's peace is the very best investment on this planet we live on called Earth. And peace comes in many colors of the rainbow.
Ray, are those planes bringing food supplies and roofing people and investors, or are they people fleeing/abandoning their quarters. ...The ones who can afford it.

They also need tower cell building people. ..New electric grids, electric cars, Tesla, underground and protected tunnel highways, medication for the elderly and young, water purifiers, air conditioning, fans, wind turbines that can benefit from winds, ocean generators from tides, wave turbines, ...
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I heard Tesla had sent a bunch of Power Walls there already.

This morning they said 90% still has no power. Without power, tons of things stop working. They have got to get that going faster. And burry the darn power lines for next time.

How about we bring in a bunch of Mexicans who are dying for work there to help? Here we are trying to throw them out and we need hands on deck bad in PR.
How about we bring in a bunch of Mexicans who are dying for work

How about we hire the Puerto Ricans dying for work that are already there?

I see 12.5% unemployed - that's (maybe) 425,000 people depending on how it is counted.

On the other hand, I see a 35% "employment participation" rate, so, maybe only 150,000 available that want to work...

That doesn't count the folks that have suddenly found themselves unemployed...
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Ray, are those planes bringing food supplies and roofing people and investors, or are they people fleeing/abandoning their quarters.

Well, most are scheduled passenger flights, mixed with cargo carriers and UPS/FedEx. Military doesn't show up on FlightRadar24.

Any investors flying in are likely vultures right now looking for "distressed" properties.
I heard Tesla had sent a bunch of Power Walls there already.

This morning they said 90% still has no power. Without power, tons of things stop working. They have got to get that going faster. And burry the darn power lines for next time.

How about we bring in a bunch of Mexicans who are dying for work there to help? Here we are trying to throw them out and we need hands on deck bad in PR.

Trump would prefer hiring people from his own organisation, wealthy Americans, instead of Mexicans, Amir. American elite first. And with a discount on their taxes. He's a professional real estate developer, he knows best what's best for America. ...The Art of the Deal.
How about we hire the Puerto Ricans dying for work that are already there?

Yes, that would be the first logical option.

Who is going to hire them and how much will they pay them, Purto Rico's real estate developers or investors from the mainland or from Dubai and Abu Dhabi? ...Russian investors/developers...like the ones investing on Facebook and in America...elections?
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