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What you need to know about the virus in China "2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)"

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I haven't see this level of lockdown yet.

It is not something you do when it is just as deadly as the common flu.

Government official numbers most likely do not reflect actual infection cases nor 'confirmed deaths' (people die for other reasons too).
I believe many sick, infected and deceased folks in their homes may not dare to visit hospitals or have it confirmed they have this virus.
The only lab that can 'confirm' one has the disease is located in Wuhan (I think not by accident the break-out is not there and read that patient zero had never visited the market)
This lab has limited people so cannot handle more than a certain amount of kits to test + there aren't enough kits + these kits possibly having this virus are very expensive to transport.

No.. this is not like the flu and looks more harmful than people are told. Possibly to prevent financial crashes, hording, panic and shops being plundered / out of basic food.

No.. this is not like the flu and looks more harmful than people are told. Possibly to prevent financial crashes, hording, panic and shops being plundered / out of basic food.

Markets responding to latest information.

Hubei Province changed how they're classifying the new cases, which added over 14k new cases in one day.

As of 3 hours ago, Hubei Province officially said:

View attachment 49995

Google translated this as:

If anyone can read Chinese (not sure if its posted in Cantonese or Mandarin), can you verify that the translation is correct?

Pretty much, simply put, they now also consider those exhibit syptoms clinically as confirmed case, no need to wait for test results.

Fyi, Chinese is the written language. Cantonese and Mandarin are the dialects :)
...by "plunging" to the same levels they were at 6 hours earlier

10 hours, for sure.

Caught a nice chunk of the rise yesterday (market shrugs off coronavirus fear) on YMH20 , shorted after the close (for expected overnight fade of the new all time high), took a nap, woke up after the drop, emitted an expletive upon seeing the chart, tried to remember what I had traded, and took some of that move too.


Then, went out to dinner and enjoyed a nice steak.

Didn't figure out the probable "why" until later.

Since the news is rejuggling existing numbers, it will likely be ignored again soon, unless there is some obvious change to the trends, particularly to the numbers outside of China.
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Updated February 12, 2020 at 11:00PM PT
Voluntary Guest Disembarkation Plan and Additional Cases
Princess Cruises has been informed that over the next several days, Japanese health officials are planning a voluntary disembarkation of guests to complete their quarantine period at a shoreside facility. From the information available it is our understanding that this will be a phased approach, with the most medically vulnerable guests in the first phase, including older adults with pre-existing health conditions.

According to officials, guests in the first group will be tested for the 2019 novel coronavirus. If the test is positive, they will be transported to a local hospital for further evaluation and isolation. If the test is negative, they will be given the option to leave the ship and be transported to a quarantine housing facility.

These are the details provided by health officials about the temporary facilities:

  • The housing facility includes individual rooms and individual bathrooms
  • There are no clinics at these facilities. Prescription medication will be provided, but medical care will require transport to a hospital or clinic.
  • The food available will not accommodate dietary preferences but will accommodate certain medical conditions. The meals provided will be Japanese bento-style boxes. No Western meals will be available.
Princess Cruises confirmed that all guests onboard remain welcome to stay onboard through the end of the quarantine period.

Princess Cruises also confirms the announcement, from Japan health officials, of 44 new positive cases of Coronavirus onboard Diamond Princess.
Anyone here predicted this one? I did.

“Mobile World Congress was set to take place in Barcelona, Spain, from February 24 to 27, 2020.”

It’s been cancelled.
FYI the WHO announced the new coronavirus previously referred to as 2019-nCoV is now officially named SARS-CoV-2. The disease itself caused by SARS-CoV-2 is now called COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019.)
so, cardiovascular health will improve

I could handle a week of bento boxes. My guess is they are trying to get Japanese nationals off first.

Bad news continues. WHO predicts CoV will get out into the general population eventually and not go away. An piece on Fox is predicting massive casualties in North Korea. There is no hard information on infections, only an assessment of their badly broken health care system. There is a lot of fear in the air.
Well I'm struggling to get dust masks , my main material suppliers can't get any as they import them from China and China is keeping them all for themselves.

A unexpected consequence of this viral outbreak.

I am seeing images of all sorts of materials being used for makeshift respiratory masks (sanitary napkins, diapers, bra cups, fruit halves, plastic bottles, .... ).

Makes a good argument against outsourcing.
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Well I'm struggling to get dust masks , my main material suppliers can't get any as they import them from China and China is keeping them all for themselves.

A unexpected consequence of this viral outbreak.
WHO reports surgical masks offer no protection because the virus is not airborne. Nissan and Hundai are experiencing shortages of parts.
All lies.
Just like the moon landing, JFK, Al-Qaeda, 911 and so on.
I saw this earlier, but didn't comment on it because it wasn't news worthy at the time:

However, now, the situation has changed drastically, and as of 11 hours ago:

Wikipedia says Huanggang is a prefecture-level city in easternmost Hubei Province, China.
It has a population of 6,162,069 as of 2010.

For scale, that's slightly more than all the population of Denmark or Finland.

Just the flu guys...
This could solve Global Warming.

At least, there won't be anyone left to worry about it.
If this spreads to all of China over the next couple months, and Chinese manufacturing shuts down, it could lead to a global recession.

That's what short positions are designed to profit from in trading.
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