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Which DAC measurements do you like to see next?

What also would be very interesting is the Crane Song Solaris DAC. It seems a very good Dac.
RME claims ADI-2 fs has the same DAC chips and analog circuitry as the DAC/PRO onboard, therefore same performance up to 192K.
It also includes an ADC, like the PRO, w similar performance promise.
I had ordered one in march, though latest delivery word from them is September (this year!)...anyway I don´t need no mickey mouse displays, tone controls or alterable filters, just hoping for the promised performance. Cables to hook up to the stereo are ready since easter, as well as a linear regulated PS!
- A later test by Amir would be really helpful to see whether its performance is really comparable to the DAC/PRO versions!!!

One late remark regarding missing USB:
I am using 2 boxes w C-Media chips (50bucks each) in both SPDIF/USB directions, they seem to behave bit-perfect up to 24bits, no sound issues.

Just to let you know, the RME ADI-2 fs is now available. Picked up mine yesterday in Munich, flawless mech. build quality from my perspective*.
Hooked it up (XLR/RCA cables were ready since April!) to my stereo, it is playing well - will keep it!
As far as I could check, all features working and levels are precise, according to spec. in both directions.
No sound issues, also with acoustical checked test signals (-120dB still audible, only little DC impact on residual noise, frequency response (<85KHz) up to the speaker´s terminals OK, as before w ESS9018s-based DAC).
@Amir, in case you get a hold of this device, please have an eye on DA S/N under various output level settings, also with the level pot engaged (very good L/R ganging!)...just curious...I have set the max. output to +0dBu (my stereo´s standard), using just one XLRout pin to ground (+13dBu setting w pot)...some additional noise at full amp vol. becomes audible (which is 12dB beyond amp clipping)...

*(2 minor exceptions, but tolerable - the white quad speed LED is too bright in comparison with the others for my taste, used just in test scenarios here - both Toslink jacks clamped a used optical cable that firmly, I needed several attempts with really max. power from my fingers to get them out again, fortunately nothing broke and after 2-3 times plugging and pulling, the clamp force became rather normal...fingers still aching after hours...)
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Will you be reviewing the new 'gaming' dac and amps by shiit? A shiit fulla 3 at 99$ and a Hel at 189$
I read that they were no different than older products sans the gaming features such as mic input. No?
I read that they were no different than older products sans the gaming features such as mic input. No?
The Hel is something new. The fulla3 seems samey samey
I read that they were no different than older products sans the gaming features such as mic input. No?

They should measure decently until close to clipping where they're slightly shorter than specs shown by Schiit. I don't think the mic-input would be better than the one on-board or just the same ADC performance as the entry Scarlett USB audio interfaces available

PS. Schiit silently killed their Jil ADC box where you can convert your vinyl to PCM with Fulla 3 and Hel release
Luxman DA-250 would be interesting. I can't help lusting after their stuff and it's really pretty to look at. Compared to whatever hi-end DACs it's not super expensive (although not exacly a bargain either).
Weiliang DC300
The Hel is something new. The fulla3 seems samey samey
Thanks. Went to order it and it added tax and shipping which brought the cost way up. I don't remember them charging tax in the past. So I passed for now.
Thanks. Went to order it and it added tax and shipping which brought the cost way up. I don't remember them charging tax in the past. So I passed for now.
That's silly Amir you could have moved State, instead ;)
Not sure if this is the relevant place to put it, but any plans to review the shanling m0? Has anyone sent one in? I can send mine once my a5 comes back if need be. Really interesting "portable audio Swiss army knife" DAP. Does just about everything you could imagine such a device could do, and sounds pretty damn good.
Not sure if this is the relevant place to put it, but any plans to review the shanling m0? Has anyone sent one in? I can send mine once my a5 comes back if need be. Really interesting "portable audio Swiss army knife" DAP. Does just about everything you could imagine such a device could do, and sounds pretty damn good.

FiiO M5, please!
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