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WXC-50 or Bluesound Node or something else?

Dec 4, 2021
So I have a A-S801 amp with KEF R3, and I now need a streamer. Main points for me are that I need to be able to bypass the internal DAC, have a fairly reliable app, be able to connect a large hard drive with source files, and have airplay.

I was certain I was going to get the new node N130, but then I saw arims review, and didn’t like the impression of sound quality (if I choose to use the DAC) I guess the WXC-50 is better in that regard, at least from what I saw from the WXA version, if it’s anything like that.

What could I potentially be missing in terms of features from comparing these two? …and is there something better out there for below 600 euro?

Need to make the decision very soon, so I hope I can get some good responses here! :)


Major Contributor
Forum Donor
May 22, 2021
SoCal, Baby!
Although the DAC in the NODE is mediocre, I still doubt you'd hear a difference between it and a superior DAC such as a Topping model (I certainly can't). Its main selling point IMO is its convenience and the superb app. Others will no doubt disagree.

The NODE is the single most satisfying audio equipment purchase I have ever made.


Jul 1, 2021
Although the DAC in the NODE is mediocre, I still doubt you'd hear a difference between it and a superior DAC such as a Topping model (I certainly can't). Its main selling point IMO is its convenience and the superb app. Others will no doubt disagree.

The NODE is the single most satisfying audio equipment purchase I have ever made.

Although I have not tried the Node, I doubt my ears will be able to tell any differences either, the thing is though, I would really like a Node with a small color screen, it seems like in order to get a screen you have to pay above $800, maybe even $1k. It is not the end of the world but I would prefer a streaming player that allows me to not have to use a smartphone, a player with a native remote control, native access to the major services, Spotify/Pandora etc., with ten or twenty preset internet radio stations.


Active Member
Jan 23, 2021
I think if you tried it, you might feel differently. A small screen from across the room is not very legible. The amount of info one gets on an iPad or even iPhone is much more useful. That said, there IS a remote available separately that has the basic functions. I agree with @MaxBuck. It has been a very satisfying addition and serves my needs well.


Dec 10, 2021
I think if you tried it, you might feel differently. A small screen from across the room is not very legible. The amount of info one gets on an iPad or even iPhone is much more useful. That said, there IS a remote available separately that has the basic functions. I agree with @MaxBuck. It has been a very satisfying addition and serves my needs well.
The Bluesound node has a feature that allows you to quickly and very easily program any remote. You don't need to buy their remote. Use any old one you have or get an inexpensive one off Amazon, etc.

Deleted member 39414

So I have a A-S801 amp with KEF R3, and I now need a streamer. Main points for me are that I need to be able to bypass the internal DAC, have a fairly reliable app, be able to connect a large hard drive with source files, and have airplay.

I was certain I was going to get the new node N130, but then I saw arims review, and didn’t like the impression of sound quality (if I choose to use the DAC) I guess the WXC-50 is better in that regard, at least from what I saw from the WXA version, if it’s anything like that.

What could I potentially be missing in terms of features from comparing these two? …and is there something better out there for below 600 euro?

Need to make the decision very soon, so I hope I can get some good responses here! :)
I have the wxc-50 and really like it for all of the reasons you say you want it. I also have a A-S501 so the combo is excellent. You’ll be using your 801 if you want usb. 100% recommend the wxc over the n130. The dsd DAC is superior to the one in your system and the non-dsd DAC is an easily bypassed burr brown.


New Member
Jan 2, 2022
So I have a A-S801 amp with KEF R3, and I now need a streamer. Main points for me are that I need to be able to bypass the internal DAC, have a fairly reliable app, be able to connect a large hard drive with source files, and have airplay.

I was certain I was going to get the new node N130, but then I saw arims review, and didn’t like the impression of sound quality (if I choose to use the DAC) I guess the WXC-50 is better in that regard, at least from what I saw from the WXA version, if it’s anything like that.

What could I potentially be missing in terms of features from comparing these two? …and is there something better out there for below 600 euro?

Need to make the decision very soon, so I hope I can get some good responses here! :)
I've got a WXC-50 and imo I think it's a pretty flawed product for several reasons. Will definitely be getting rid of it.
So first up, it doesn't support Amazon HD and there are no plans for it to be added via a software update. I think this is pretty piss poor. It's a product that came out in 2016 but not to support one of the biggest and cheapest hi-res streaming services is just ..... well, insert your expletive.
Sound quality over Apple airplay using iTunes was pretty mediocre but then again most of my music on iTunes is 370 kbps. But even the handful of albums I have in FLAC did not sound great. Finally, bluetooth is just plain unusable and never stays connected. I got into an argument with Yamaha customer service here in the UK who said that bluetooth is an inherently unreliable connection. Pathetic! If bluetooth is so bad why is the ifi Zen blue such a great product?
Anyway, rant over, but in short I wouldn't recommend the WXC - 50. I've got a Denon pma 800ne integrated amp, which I love, so I think I'm going to give the network player from the same series a shot.


Jan 11, 2021
Chennai, India
I own WXC-50 since 2018 and while it has some software limitations, it was a bargain at $349 for its price/performance/feature set and one of the most underrated products. Price now has gone up by $100 but I still think it is an excellent value especially if one of the objectives is to get rid of CD player and stop using physical medium.

The WXC-50 works flawlessly with MinimServer (Starter Edition is free) which means one can rip all the CDs to a PC/MAC running MinimServer and access them from WXC-50 and play them at full CD quality. HiRes downloads can also played from Minimserver up to DSD rates. The Yamaha Musicast App lacks sophistication and search feature with UPNP but it works without glitches.

At Present I have Ripped CDs (lossless) and HiRes Downloads in a USB Drive hanging off a 2010 Mac Mini as DLNA Server hosting MinimServer (v2) and DLNA/UpNP rendered by a Yamaha WXC-50 via WiFi. I also stream Internet Radios using Yamaha’s VTuner support for all the URLs of the stations. I do not use Spotify, Tidel, etc. at present but I have tried them and they stream fine. I use the Yamaha as a Player (not Preamp) in Direct mode going into my system PreAmp. If one wished to use it as a PreAmp it has useful Tone Control and Loudness sort of feature.

The Yamaha's DAC is as good as many for listening purpose. I started ripping my CDs as soon as I found that I could not hear any difference between Yamaha's DAC and the built in DAC of my Sony ES CD Player.

Also I bought a RME ADI FS-2 DAC last year mainly for its EQ features and as an added bonus of technically superior DAC, relegating the Yamaha to just streaming duty. In practice (level matched within 0.2dB) I cannot hear any difference between the Yamaha and RME (even with sighted bias). This correlates with @MaxBuck 's opinion above.

I will soon be selling the RME as it turned out I no longer use its EQ features and also there is no discernible improvement in SQ for me over the Yamaha.

If one does not care about snob appeal or status, either the Yamaha / Node is a no brainer purchase for streaming your own local content and from services. Node has superior Software, bit I feel that the Yamaha is still a better value.
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