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resistor relay volume control preamp


Active Member
I'm interested in the Topping L70 preamp. Are there other similar preamps with resistor relay based volume control (with remote) to consider preferably cheaper? thanks.


Grand Contributor
A resistor relay volume control preamp adjusts audio volume by switching resistors with relays for precise control and minimal signal distortion
precision and channel balance and easy remote control yes.
Distortion is not really determined by this.


Grand Contributor
precision and channel balance and easy remote control yes.
Distortion is not really determined by this.

At the end of the day, an ALPs motorized blue velvet (conductive plastics RK-27) is arguably a better choice.

I don't think I've ever had a failed one on my bench.


Grand Contributor
me neither. have seen relays and relay drivers fail ...:)

arguably, calibrated attenuation, channel balance, accuracy goes to the relay thingies at the cost of PCB space and power consumptions as well as mechanical noises.


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I totally agree. Just don't ever use switch cleaner on one. Ask me how I know...
You have to use the right kind that does not affect the plastic film.